Calling All Co-Workers in God's Service
For 70 years camp has blessed thousands of people. That has been possible through faithful prayers and generous giving of individuals for decades. Please consider supporting Camp Christian.
Ways to Support Us

Join our prayer team in lifting up the following items to our faithful Father.
Please pray that those who attend camp this year will have receptive hearts to hear the calling of the Lord
Safety for the campers, staff, and facilities
Wisdom for the leaders of the camp

Volunteers are critical to the ministry of Camp Christian. We are thankful that God brings a team of volunteers here throughout the year. We could not provide the level of ministry and have the impact we do without our volunteers. Thank you for applying to volunteer.
The summer volunteer positions available at each youth camp:
Key-Note Speaker
Camp Nurse
Camp Cook and Kitchen Staff
Camp Counselors
Small Group Leaders
Office staff
If you would like to volunteer, please email campchristian1952@gmail.com
or call 970-250-6588.

As God puts it on your heart, please give to cover the financial needs of the camp.
Donations may be sent to:
Camp Christian
P.O. Box 932
Clifton, CO 81520
Donations may also be made via PayPal.